From 2016 to Scavenger Hunt

Samantha Warady
2 min readAug 5, 2020

What does 2016 have to do with scavenger hunts, you’re probably wondering.. There are a lot of things that have come into my life since 2016. I now have a favorite senator, I went to Iowa to knock on doors, I have called strangers(STRANGERS) to make sure they’re voting, and now apparently I GISH.

In a pandemic, with a president like ours, I’m always looking for something to do to make my life a little less stressful, a little happier and most of all, a way to sleep at night. I started with anything political, little by little, got myself addicted to Crooked Media and the boys of PodSave America. They then sent me to Iowa(inspired me to go to Iowa I guess would be the more appropriate way to put it) and I knocked on strangers doors, slept in a stranger’s house, and basically if I was also on a plane, would have combined my worst fears all in one weekend. Why did I submit myself to this unreasonable pain and suffering you ask?(I’m telling you, I had a panic attack the morning of Iowa) Because 2016 happened and I could not sit by and do nothing.

The Boys who helped shape the post 2016 me (#podsavesamerica)

So I started my voyage on the “The World Is Burning, Everything Is Horrible” cruise(the marketing team might need some help there..) and thought to myself, thank god-2019 is over, 2020 has to be better!

I’ll wait a minute till you stop laughing….

So Trump is still president, McConnell is still an evil spawn, and..we have a pandemic. I needed something to get my spirits up. In comes, Misha Collins. I’ve been following these boys a lot longer then the podsave boys on social, and GISH has always been something I’ve wondered about, but never signed up for.

The original- The Boys

So I got my family together and showed them the YouTubes and signed us all up. I mean, it seemed like a good idea at the time..

But, now I’m stalking congressman and senators on twitter, making merit badges, and thinking about what I could tie dye that should absolutely not be tie dyed.

From 2016 to Scavenger Hunt…2020 has been..

Well..let’s just say 2020 has been and leave it at that.

